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Sammy Mohamed

Just a Dev

Sammy Mohamed Portrait

About Me

Hi there,

I'm currently a Lead Software Engineer and have been at Amtrak since 2016. My experience has largely consisted of developing web-applications within AEM (Versions 6.2 - 6.5) working both on the front-end and back-end of these applications. In AEM I have built new applications as well as migrated existing web-apps from their previous platform.

I recently received the CEO Circle Award at Amtrak for my contributions to Amtrak's COVID-19 response. I worked on several projects with my team through out the year to help improve the customer's experience and safety while riding Amtrak during these uncertain times.

Over the past few years, I've also had the opportunity to work as a contractor for AB Inbev and Stantec. I largely worked on some AEM migration work as well as quite a bit of front-end development such as creating customer survey experiences and improve site wide web accessibility.

Today I largely work within the Angular Framework and have been building Angular applications and web-components for micro-frontends. I've also worked in React and NextJS mainly for personal projects and enjoyed working with these technologies as well. Although my education largely focused on networking and telecommunications, I have really enjoyed working in web development and I believe I have a gained a passion for working on the front-end aspect of applications.

I definitely want to continue working within Angular/React and AEM as well, so that I can further hone my knowledge and skills within these technologies. I also have gained an interest in mobile app development, specifically utilizing Ionic/Capacitor framework but also interested in React Native given my experience with React thus far.

Professional Experience


  • AngularWhat I work with everyday
  • ReactWhat I use on my down time
  • SolidJSThe Future of what I use. (This Site)
  • RxjsObserving and Reactivity
  • Reduxstore(y) of my life
  • NgRxLove State Management
  • AEMManage content the hard way :)
  • .CSS{}Giving the Web style
  • HTMLGiving the Web structure
  • JSGiving the web interaction
  • LessMaking CSS...well...less
  • SassCSS with superpowers
  • TypescriptLess debugging on typos :)